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[Lowongan_Migas] Chemical Technician for Qatar

Tuesday, August 4, 2009 0 comments


Position: Technician (Chemical)

Some experience in the Chemical - Petrochemical Industry. Candidates with field based experience preferred. Technical-Office based work will be important, but field work experience is more valuable for the kind of job this person will have. Ideally, experience in a subcontractor company for the petrochemical industry. Proficient in Written and Spoken English. Age Range (30-40), we can be flexible on that. This is not a requirement, only a preference.

Soft Skills:

Team work skills. Good interpersonal understanding. Somebody able to maintain a good relation with our clients while carrying out an operation. Person with initiative at work and willing to acquire responsibilities.

Somebody able to understand the main safety issues of a chemical-petrochemical industry, and if possible familiar with its way to operate with subcontractors.

Those who interested may submit their CV to or not later than August 20, 2009.

R. Ari Hidayat
PT. Falah Rima Hudaity Bersaudara
Jl. Pemuda No 10 Kav 79 Jakarta 13220
Tel. +62 21 4703140 Fax. +62 21 47882280
E-mail :,
Website :

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