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[Lowongan_Migas] MMBO - Completions Engineer - Jakarta

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 0 comments


Location:        Jakarta


Type:              Permanent Staff


Position:         Completions Engineer


Company Description:


An independent upstream oil and gas company operating in international oil and gas exploration and production globally. 


Job Description:




The Completion Engineer will assist in the following areas relating to completion design and production technology:


  • Assist with the development of the final completion design including equipment specification and selection for WHP-B.


  • Review completion performance to identify the effectiveness of designs.


  • Work offshore to carry out the completion programme


  • Identify and develop solutions to produced water related issues.


  • Assist with the development of conceptual completion designs.


  • Completion and DST AFE generation


  • Programme and supervise DST's.


  • Appraisal of new technology.




The following skills, experience and qualifications are required:

  • A Petroleum/Mechanical engineering degree


  • At least 10 years of completion engineering and well testing experience including expertise in high angle & horizontal well completions, nodal analysis, tubing stress analysis and work with corrosive reservoir fluids.


  • Knowledge of reservoir engineering principles


  • A proven track record in implementing innovate and practical completion designs and production technology solutions which have maximised productivity and added value whilst minimising cost.


  • A high degree of computer literacy


  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.


  • Ability to prioritise demanding work loads.


  • A proven track record of managing workovers to achieve added production/value.


  • Knowledge of drilling engineering and operations


  • Knowledge of Indonesian Regulatory environment.


  • Independent assessment of competency


  • Multi-lateral experience.


  • This is a local staff role open to applicants of Indonesian nationality only.


 Please email your resume to


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